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07598 920 922

Ashes & Diamonds

Ashes & Diamonds

Kashy Khaledi started Ashes and Diamonds with a singular view - to emulate the great wines made during Napa’s heyday in the 60’s and 70’s. Gathering some of the most interesting winemakers in the world today (Steve Matthiasson, Dan Petroski and Diana Snowden Seysses) and using the technologies available to those iconic wines, Kashy’s ode to the 60’s is an acclaimed success. These wines are stunning, complex and subtle – there is frankly nothing else in the world like the Ashes and Diamonds project.

“So often are you as a blazing torch with flames
of burning rags falling about you flaming,
you know not if flames bring freedom or death.

Consuming all that you must cherish
if ashes only will be left, and want Chaos and tempest.”

“Or will the ashes hold the glory of a star-like diamond, the
morning star of everlasting triumph.”

Ashes & Diamonds Cabernet Franc No. 6 2019
Ashes & Diamonds Mountain Cuvee "Saffron" No. 4 2019
Ashes Diamonds Vineyard I Cabernet Sauvignon No. 3 2017
Ashes & Diamonds Blanc No5 2019
Ashes & Diamonds "Red Hen" Cabernet Sauvignon No. 2 2018
Ashes & Diamonds Rancho Pequeno No. 4 2018