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07598 920 922

Maître de Chai


Maître de Chai

Few things thrill us as much at Nekter HQ as finding a hidden gem which is also a family winery. With Maître de Chai we get double the helping as Alex Pitt and Marty Winters both bring their families into the wine-making mix. With a shared background and love of cooking and high-end restaurants augmented by some pretty serious assistant wine-making experiences (The Restaurant at Meadowood, The French Laundry and Scholium project) these maverick wines have just the right amount of “Hmm, wow” distinguished character, are impeccably made and ideal for food accompaniments. The wines have only been in the UK for about a month and have already been picked up at some seriously good restaurants … expect these guys to make some waves in the coming years.

Click on wines below for further details and overview of tasting notes.

Maître de Chai Kierkegaard Chenin 2021