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07598 920 922

Stand Alone


Stand Alone Wines

Stand Alone is the back to basics, solo project from Xander Grier, son of David Grier, much acclaimed chef and extreme adventurer. As though that wasn’t enough to contend with, his family also purchased the Villiera wine estate when he was a young child, and Xander’s day job seems him working as winemaker at the property, producing around 800,000 bottles of Method Cap Classique every year.

Captivated by the magic of lone, ancient dead trees standing in majestic isolation,yet home to so much life, his solo project takes the name Stand Alone for these trees. Like them, each wine has its own story to tell of the vineyard itself and the vintage. The beautiful artwork on the labels show one single ancient tree on their farm in Stanford that has now sadly fallen down.

In 2020, Xander also released two wines under the label Salt Rock Wines. Made in partnership with a friend and fellow winemaker, these wines are produced from rocky, wild vineyards with strong maritime influence.

Stand Alone Gamay Noir 2019
Salt Rock "El Niño" Cinsault 2018