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Our telephone number is: 07598 920 922


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Our address is: Victoria Park, London, E2 0NN



07598 920 922

Donkey & Goat

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Donkey & Goat

From Silicon Valley to a wine cellar! In 2002, husband and wife Tracey and Jared quit their high paid jobs in tech to fly to France to work a harvest with Eric Texier. Returning to California, they have been devoted to producing wine that meets their own environmental objectives since 2003. They were making wine this way long before the term “natural wine” became a thing – this was – for them, this was and is the only way Since having their first child, they have abandoned all plastic at home, and this is as close to a plastic free winery as one can get . In a bid to match food standard labelling, all ingredients are listed on the labels – grapes, and sulphur.

Click on wines below for further details and overview of tasting notes.

Donkey & Goat The Bear Red Blend 2019
Donkey & Goat Stone Crusher Roussanne 2020
Donkey & Goat Testa Carignane 2017
Donkey & Goat Barsotti Gamay 2020