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07598 920 922

Field Recordings


Field Recordings

As a vine nursery field man, Andrew Jones has spent many hours exploring vineyards, planning, planting, and chatting with farmers all over the Central Coast. He began spotting more and more interesting and overlooked vineyards - often rocky, wilder sites located closer to the Pacific, farmed mindfully by clients who have become friends over many years. The 2018 Wonderwall range features some of the 20th century’s most famous jazz musicians on the labels – Duke Ellington for the Chardonnay, Louis Armstrong on the Pinot Noir, and Buddy Rich on the Syrah, whilst the Neverland celebrates “the American Riviera.”

Field Recordings Wonderwall Syrah 2019
Field Recordings Franc 2021
Field Recordings Skins 2022
Field Recordings Neverland Cabernet Sauvignon 2020